About Small Biz Drs LLC - Dedicated Solutions for Small Businesses in South Shore, MA

Empowering Small Businesses through Expert Digital Marketing and Strategic Financial Planning

Small Biz Drs LLC is a full service small to medium size business consulting firm specializing in growing small local businesses through digital marketing and financial planning.  We can help you in any area of business growth.  Founder and President, Dr. Shannon Donovan, has 30 plus years of experience in teaching and consulting in finance (personal, small business and corporate), digital marketing, and entrepreneurship. 

You know as a small business owner you need to commit your energy and time to what you do best, to be highly successful. Could you use a business consultant with over 30 years’ experience in finance, entrepreneurship and marketing to get you on track to maximize your profitability and growth?  We have helped countless entrepreneurs and business owners turn their vision for success into a reality.  We provide the knowledge and support to grow your business by improving daily operations, shaping marketing and sales strategies, and developing and implementing financial plans. 

We are passionate about working with small local business owners.  We love their passion, drive and excitement.  It is very fullfilling to see business not only succeed but to prosper and grow.

What are the two major worries of business owners?

How to get and keep customers AND Cash flow!  Business owners need to keep the pipeline full of customers and need to make sure they have the cash to pay employees, rent, goods and service, etc.  And this is in addition to actually making the goods or performing the services of the actual business.  It can be overwhelming, but it can also be expensive to hire people to do these things for you.  According to the Small Business Administration (SBA) Office of Advocacy roughly 80% of small businesses survive the first year; only about half of small businesses pass the five-year mark and only about one in three get to the 10-year mark.  Dr. Donovan, founder of the company, has been studying this and the reasons behind it for years.  It is the intent of Small Biz Drs to improve these percentages and help small businesses grow and succeed.  We are committed to giving your company a distinct competitive advantage.

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Why Small Businesses?

Small businesses are defined by the SBA as having fewer than 500 employees.  There are over 30 million small businesses in the United states, which make up 99.99% of all businesses. So, there are lots of business to help out there.

Small Biz Drs is a small Business:

Because Small Biz Drs is a small business themselves, they recognize the issues of the small business owner and have the ability to tailor plans to fit every company’s needs.  We can train you or your employees to do all or some of the service we provide. Please see our educational material. We can start small to fit a small budget and grow with you. There is no one size fits all.  We create a plan that fits your needs, and just as your business needs will change, we can change with you. Since we are a small business you can talk to the owner if you have any issues. You will have our phone and cell numbers; no more dealing with large companies where there is no phone number and only a support email where different people answer each time after days of waiting. We are very responsive with clients.  If we miss your call, we will be back to you in no more than 24 hours, probably within an hour, and return emails as quickly as well.

Is digital marketing really that important?

Almost everyone searches the internet for products, services and information and 80% to 90% check the reviews.  Therefore, you need an online presence where you appear in searches ahead of your competitors.  This takes professional skill and we have the team to do this for you. Google’s algorithms are updated daily, so it takes research and experience to get results.

Importance of digital marketing - Small Biz Drs LLC

Note from the owner:

"People ask me all the time: You have a lucrative teaching career why become an entrepreneur/business owner? All of you entrepreneurs and business owners already know the answer! There is something thrilling about running a business where you make all the decisions, there are no limits, and most important where you can positively help your customers and employees. Yes there are risks but most of us feel the rewards well out weight the risks.

When I founded the entrepreneurship center at Bridgewater State University and started teaching an Entrepreneurial Consulting class with my students, I saw firsthand how much of a difference we could make in a business in just one semester; BUT I was always frustrated when the semester was over and our work would stop. I would always follow up with business owners and find many times they weren’t maintaining the websites or social media presence we started for them, they weren’t following up on the financial plans developed, and they weren’t following up on documenting their business activities to improve, grow and make the business more turnkey. WHY? They are entrepreneurs/small business owners and to be hugely successful they need to dedicate their time and energy to what they do best - and delegate the rest. There's just one problem: Must don't have a team to hand things off to. You could hire any number of professionals to help: a COO, CFO, accountant, marketing guru, consultant, business coach. Or you can hire just one. Call Small Biz Drs today, and let's get started. Let us make a positive influence on your business."
Shannon Donovan - Small Biz Drs LLC
Shannon Donovan
Founder & President - Small Biz Drs LLC

What makes us different?

Our focus is to make your business grow!  By grow we mean more customers and more cash which translates into more freedom for you!  You can put your money back into the business and continue to grow, and you can hire more people to do the day to day tasks of your company – freeing your time to spend with your family, traveling or just enjoying yourself. Small business owners, more popularly called entrepreneurs today, work very hard – endless hours, especially in the beginning of your venture.  Our goal is to get you to the point where your business is growing but you can free up more and more of your time.  We empower our business owners by improving their marketing and finance plans to help them meet their goals.

what makes us different - small biz drs llc
business referrals - small biz drs llc

Aren’t referrals and industry trade shows enough?

We often hear from potential clients that they generate customers from referrals and industry tradeshows.  We are certainly NOT saying you shouldn’t continue doing this.  This is the bread and butter of many businesses and should be. We at Small Biz Drs love and appreciate referrals (which is why we provide ways to increase referrals), but we also love new business. So, if you don’t have an optimized, responsive website than you are missing out on thousands of monthly searches and potential customers that would further grow your business and potentially give you more referrals.

How do we do this?

We employ a high-level dedicated team of experts to guide you through your finance and marketing decisions providing help and advice in a timely manner.  Whether you need a small website design or a large website initative, our team will create something effective for you. We use top research to expand and improve your online presence. We use the techniques that national corporations are using at a local level to give you a distinct advantage over your competitors.  This knowledge allows us to rank the toughest and most competitive keywords, the ones your potential customers are using to search for you, to create high volume, high quality leads to allow you to make more sales! 

What we don’t do?

Short term strategy like expensive ongoing pay per click advertising or link-spamming.  That is not that pay per click advertising is bad; it has its place. It is great for driving business to you in slow times or during sales but it is expensive and labor intensive to do as an ongoing strategy.  Link spamming or black hat linking is easily detected now by search engines and your site can actually be penalized. Our goal is to rank your site with high quality SEO strategies for a reasonable monthly fee so your site will bring you the bulk of your new customers.