Small Biz DRS - Website Update and Management Services in South Shore

Keeping Your Website Fresh and Effective: Expert Updates and Management

Websites become out of date quickly and need to be updated often.  Also the content on every website should be updated, improved and increased ofen. We will discuss with you the changes we would suggest and then work within your budget to implement them and improve you search rankings.

Monthly Reporting/ Analytics – we will provide you with monthly reports with data to evaluate how your site is doing and comparisons to your competitors.  We develop reports specifically for your company’s needs and wants. Examples of information your report would include:

  • Page views – number of pages viewed on your website
  • Unique visits – number of individuals who visited your site
  • Inbound links – number of backlinks your website receives
  • Competitive Power – shows how your site competes in the SERP
  • Position in search rankings – your organic ranking in the SERP and the changes over time

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SEO - Small Biz Drs LLC

SEO is a process, not a onetime event.  It takes time to rank and the formula keeps changing so updates are necessary. Resources such as programmers, copywriters and SEO consultants are needed to work in a coordinated, organized manner.

We often hear or read about “SEO doesn’t work”.  If SEO didn’t work, we won’t be in business.  Over and over again we create or take a poorly performing site and have it on page 1 in a few months or even weeks. Some sites it happens it days.  Clients call us and say, “my husband and I couldn’t believe it. We googled XYZ in ABC and there was our site on page 1 and in the map “3 Pack””.  Give us try and see what we can do for you. 

We also over hosting and system care to keep your website performing at its best. 

Website design and management training is provided – you are the owner of your site and can always take it over or do any updates you would like on your own.  We want to provide the best service possible, within your budget to help you grow your business.