Small Biz Drs - Digital Marketing FAQ in South Shore, MA

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This completely depends on the size of the site.  A one page site can be built in a couple of hours if you have the content and pictures ready.  A complicated, multiple page site where content and pictures have to be developed can 2 to 3 weeks. And of course the site should be updated in some way at least once a month or every other month.

Yes! If you have the time and the know how, of course it is your site.  We also provide training to help you learn how to update the more simple things if you are interested in learning.

This is when your web pages appear more often in the top listings of a search, which is the SERP (search engine results page) of an individual search.

Generally the SERP will first show 3-5 ads on the top, then the top 3 map listing (GMB listings) and the next group listed are the organics search results.  Our goals are to get you in the “3 Pack” on the map (one of the first three) and as high on page one for your organic listing as possible.

Research show that 75% of people searching on the internet never go past page one in their search and that 32% of business goes to companies ranking 1, 25%  goes to those ranking # 2, etc.  If you are ranking in the map 3 pack and high on page 1 organically, you most likely will not have to pay for additional traffic, in other words use Google Ads, Homeadvisor, etc. There still could be uses for targeted Google ads for sales and downtimes but not needing ongoing ads is a huge savings.  Simply put, your website is seen by a larger audience, leading to more sales.

Many businesses do this and find they start dropping in rankings with time.  Often times you can cut back on the amount of time and effort into a site once you are ranking highly but you should never completely stop because Google is always changing the rules and they are always checking to see which site is most relevent to the searcher so you need to maintain relevance.  Also, probably you are only ranking for a few key words but your potential customer may be searching using other key words so you can now focus on ranking for these other key words.

In the US 90% of search is currently done on Google so that is where you will get the majority of your traffic. However, having said that we also take into account other search engines when developing our sites and performing SEO.

SEO stands for Search engine optimization.  We focus on SEO because we want to optimize your site for the search engines such at Google. Google use over 200 factors to rank so we will focus on the most important here. There are two basic types of SEO, onsite and offsite.  On page is make such the content is original, relevant, authoritative and of a reasonable length.  Why? A search engine’s goal is to best match the searchers request.  So, if someone types in Dumpster rental in Boston MA, the search engine looks to see which companies would best match that request. So, they are looking for a company that rents dumpsters in that area and gives relevant information on dumpster rental such as size, what you can put in it, where you can put it, etc.  To make it easy for the search engines the site should include this relative information (use the proper keys words), use the proper titling of pages, pictures and video, use proper heading, and internal links to move around the site.  There is another important aspect they look at and that is the “popularity” of the site.  This is where off page SEO comes into play.  Basically, every link that points to your page is a “vote” for your page. However, all votes are not equally.  Some sites have more trust or authority than ours, so the main goal of off page SEO is to get as many high trust sites as possible to link to your site.

This depends on your competition.  Generally, it takes about 6 months to get results but if your competitor are not actively using SEO techniques it could to quicker and if they are it could be longer.  A quick competitive search by a profession should give you a better idea.

Keywords are the words and phrases that people enter into search engines to find answers to their questions and to find products and services. As a website owner and content creator, you want the keywords on your page to be relevant to what people are searching for, so they have a better chance of finding your content among the results. Your goal in ranking on search engines is to drive organic traffic to your site from the search engine result pages (SERPs), and the keywords you choose to target (meaning, among other things, the ones you choose to include in your content) will determine what kind of traffic you get.

There are services such as Mangools, Arhefs, SEMrush, Majestic, and Moz that you can get this information from. Most have a short free trial period and then you would have to pay a monthly fee. Also, there is a huge amount of detailed information provided by these services you it is best to have someone show you how to best use these tools.  Small Biz Drs provides this information to their clients.